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USRC 2021 Conference CRCE  Claim for Credit

What Do You Mean the Patient is Not the #1 Customer?

Scott Reistad RRT, CPFT, FAARC

Safe and Effective Staffing-Establishing a New Value Proposition for our Profession


Chronic Covid Update – When is the End?

Dr. Dixie Harris, MD, FCCP

PACT Report and Virtual Lobby Day

Dré Bender MBA, MHA RRT & Jack Fried MA RRT

“Going with the Flow” HHFNC and COVID-19

Damian Solorzano RRT-NPS

Frequing Out About High Frequency

Keith Kohutek, BSRC, RRT-NPS

OIRD and the need for monitoring

Bob Mazzola, MD, MsPH, FCCP

Patient Safety in Respiratory Care - Beyond Incident Reports

Earl Fulcher, Jr., RRT-NPS, RRT-ACCS

Improving Inter-Professional Collaboration in Patient Care

Max Eskelson MS, FCCP

COVID: a year later. What we have learned, what didn’t work, what did work and what is the future

Jared Johnstun, MD, MPH

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