Government Affairs
USRC State Advocacy

H.B. 176 (Signed into law on 3/23/22)
Creates the Utah Health Workforce Advisory Council; requires the council to provide information and recommendations to government entities regarding policy decisions that affect Utah's health workforce; creates the Utah Health Workforce Information Center; requires the information center to conduct research and analyze data regarding Utah's health workforce. The Council's focus is on health workforce supply, employment trends and demands, options for training and education, and developing strategies to address shortages, recruitment, and retention. Two priority groups for data collection have been established. Respiratory care is in the second priority group. After the council approves data to be collected, the department shall request the data from a licensee when a licensee applies for a license or renews the licensee's license.
AARC National Advocacy
The AARC government affairs agenda is prioritized with the goal of advancing the profession and enhancing pulmonary patient access to care and education. The AARC is guided by our strategic plan which has input from the Board of Directors and other voluntary leaders. The AARC collaborates with the pulmonary community, patient advocacy groups, and other organizations through coalitions and partnerships on a variety of topics. As advocates for our members, AARC supports initiatives that help individuals with chronic respiratory disease, promote the respiratory care profession, and highlight the value of respiratory therapists as essential health care professionals.
AARC interacts with Congressional leaders, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on a regular basis. The AARC is also a member of several important advocacy coalitions such as the ATS Oxygen Workgroup, ATS Pulmonary Workgroup, Telehealth/Remote Patient Monitoring Coalition, Allied Health Professionals Coalition, Tobacco Control Partners Coalition, and the National, Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Constituency Group.