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2024 AARC CRCE Claim For Credit

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Please rate the the speakers achievement of educational objectives for each session

PACT Report - Dre Bender MBA,MHA, RRT/Jack Fried MBA, RRT
What's Next For You RT? - Joel Brown MSM-HCA, RRT, FAARC, FNAP
OSA - A Neurological Perspective Kevin Walker, MD
Secondary Traumatic Stress in Healthcare Providers: Signs, Symptoms and Management Stephen Lassen, PhD
A Practical Overview of the Revised PARDS Guidelines Evan Richards BSc, RRT
Updates in Pulmonary Function Testing Jenelle Chidester, BS RRT, RPFT
Catastrophic: Emergency Preparedness Strategies for Unimaginable Bioterrorism Events London Lowe PhD & Valerie Gooder PhD
The Importance of Expiratory Flow Bias in Secretion Clearance Steve Deatrick BA, RRT
Poster Presentations and Open Forum Moderator: Kevin Creeze MS, RCP, RRT, RRT-NPS

TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PRESENTERS (Organization, Delivery, Content, Audio/Visual)

Ratings: Superior, Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor

PACT Report - Dre Bender MBA,MHA, RRT/Jack Fried MBA, RRT
What's Next For You RT? - Joel Brown MSM-HCA, RRT, FAARC, FNAP
OSA - A Neurological Perspective Kevin Walker, MD
Secondary Traumatic Stress in Healthcare Providers: Signs, Symptoms and Management Stephen Lassen, PhD
A Practical Overview of the Revised PARDS Guidelines Evan Richards BSc, RRT
Updates in Pulmonary Function Testing Jenelle Chidester, BS RRT, RPFT
Catastrophic: Emergency Preparedness Strategies for Unimaginable Bioterrorism Events London Lowe PhD & Valerie Gooder PhD
The Importance of Expiratory Flow Bias in Secretion Clearance Steve Deatrick BA, RRT
Poster Presentations and Open Forum Moderator: Kevin Creeze MS, RCP, RRT, RRT-NPS


Will the information you gained from this conference change your practice?

PACT Report - Dre Bender MBA,MHA, RRT/Jack Fried MBA, RRT
What's Next For You RT? - Joel Brown MSM-HCA, RRT, FAARC, FNAP
OSA - A Neurological Perspective Kevin Walker, MD
Secondary Traumatic Stress in Healthcare Providers: Signs, Symptoms and Management Stephen Lassen, PhD
A Practical Overview of the Revised PARDS Guidelines Evan Richards BSc, RRT
Updates in Pulmonary Function Testing Jenelle Chidester, BS RRT, RPFT
Catastrophic: Emergency Preparedness Strategies for Unimaginable Bioterrorism Events London Lowe PhD & Valerie Gooder PhD
The Importance of Expiratory Flow Bias in Secretion Clearance Steve Deatrick BA, RRT
Poster Presentations and Open Forum Moderator: Kevin Creeze MS, RCP, RRT, RRT-NPS


Indicate your agreement with the following statement by checking the appropriate response

Were you notified if a conflict of interest, off-label use, commercial support, or in-kind support was evident in the education component of this program?

Please check the box if you feel a presentation was presented WITH commercial bias?

PACT Report - Dre Bender MBA,MHA, RRT/Jack Fried MBA, RRT
What's Next For You RT? - Joel Brown MSM-HCA, RRT, FAARC, FNAP
OSA - A Neurological Perspective Kevin Walker, MD
Secondary Traumatic Stress in Healthcare Providers: Signs, Symptoms and Management Stephen Lassen, PhD
A Practical Overview of the Revised PARDS Guidelines Evan Richards BSc, RRT
Updates in Pulmonary Function Testing Jenelle Chidester, BS RRT, RPFT
Catastrophic: Emergency Preparedness Strategies for Unimaginable Bioterrorism Events London Lowe PhD & Valerie Gooder PhD
The Importance of Expiratory Flow Bias in Secretion Clearance Steve Deatrick BA, RRT
Poster Presentations and Open Forum Moderator: Kevin Creeze MS, RCP, RRT, RRT-NPS
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